HeathrowCam.net > HeathrowCam.net

Stream down for maintenance today (14/12)

(1/2) > >>

HeathrowCam - Support:
Upgrading broadband to BT Infinity (up to 10mb upload)

Will then increase video size gradually (over the coming weeks) to see what we can handle.

The camera supports 720p so could get some impressive stream sizes.

The camera will be out of action for a few hours this morning. Luckily landings are on 9s today but back to 27s tomorrow for a good run.

Excellent, can't wait to see the results

HeathrowCam - Support:
Camera stream is back.

Now to figure out how to get JWPlayer to work at bigger resolution.

Getting about 9Mbps upload :-)

whats the current resolution then?

HeathrowCam - Support:
It's 640x360 currently. Maximum resolution on camera is 1280x720.


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